How Safe Is It to Travel to Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay?

5 min readMay 15, 2023


Learn about the common risks and challenges of visiting these three countries and get practical tips and advice on avoiding them.

Many travelers wonder about the safety of visiting South America, especially compared to Europe or Canada. While risks and challenges exist, many reasons exist to explore this diverse and beautiful continent. This article will focus on three countries: Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay. We will look at some common concerns and questions travelers have about these destinations and provide tips and advice on staying safe and enjoying your trip.

South America is home to some of the world’s most stunning landscapes, vibrant cultures, and rich histories. From the Andes mountains to the Amazon rainforest and Patagonia glaciers to the Atlantic beaches, there is something for everyone in this vast region. However, many travelers hesitate to visit South America due to fear of crime, violence, political instability, or health issues. While these are valid concerns, they should not deter you from discovering the wonders of this continent. With some research, planning, and common sense, you can have a safe and memorable trip to South America.

One of the first things you need to know about South America is that it is not a homogeneous region. Each country has its history, culture, politics, economy, and security situation. Therefore, you cannot generalize or compare them as a whole. You need to look at each country individually and assess its risks and benefits.

How to Stay Safe in Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay?

This article will focus on three popular countries among travelers: Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay. These countries are located in the southern cone of South America and share some similarities in geography, climate, culture, and history. However, they also have unique features and challenges that you need to be aware of before traveling.

According to the Global Peace Index, the safest countries in South America are Uruguay, Chile, and Argentina. However, this does not mean they are free of problems or dangers. Here are some of the common questions and concerns that travelers have about these countries:


Punta del Este, Uruguay

Uruguay is a small country with a population of 3.4 million people. It is known for its progressive policies, stable democracy, and high quality of life. It is also one of the most peaceful countries in the world, ranking 35 out of 163 countries in the 2020 Global Peace Index.

However, Uruguay also has some issues with crime and violence, especially in urban areas such as Montevideo. Violent crimes such as homicides, armed robberies, carjackings, and thefts occur throughout the country and in tourist areas. Criminals often use motorcycles to approach their victims with weapons and demand their belongings.

Some tips to prevent bag-snatching or petty theft in Uruguay are:

  • Do not carry large amounts of cash or valuables with you.
  • Do not wear flashy jewelry or watches.
  • Do not use your phone or camera in public places.
  • Keep your belongings close to you, and do not leave them unattended.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and avoid distractions.

If you travel to Uruguay, you should also check the latest travel advisories from your government or other reliable sources. Before planning any international travel, you should also read the Department of State’s COVID-19 page and read the U.S. Embassy’s web page for country-specific COVID-19 information.


Santiago, Chile

Chile is a long, narrow country stretching along South America’s western coast. It has a diverse geography that ranges from deserts to mountains to islands. It is also one of the region’s most developed and prosperous countries, with a strong economy, a stable democracy, and a high human development index.

However, Chile also faces some challenges with social inequality, environmental issues, and political unrest. In recent years, there have been massive protests against the government over various grievances such as education, health care, pensions, and constitutional reform. These protests have sometimes turned violent and resulted in clashes with the police, vandalism, looting, arson, and roadblocks.

Some tips to avoid getting caught up in political or social unrest in Chile are:

  • Do not participate in or approach any demonstrations or rallies.
  • Do not express your opinions on sensitive topics such as politics or religion.
  • Do not wear clothing or accessories that are provocative or offensive.
  • Do not take photos or videos of any conflicts or incidents.
  • Follow the instructions of local authorities.

If you decide to travel to Chile, you should also check the latest travel advisories from your government or other reliable sources. You should also be aware of the COVID-19 situation and the entry requirements for travelers.


Buenos Aires, Argentina

Argentina is a large and diverse country that covers most of the southern part of South America. It has a rich culture, vibrant nightlife, delicious cuisine, and various attractions such as Buenos Aires, Patagonia, Iguazu Falls, and Mendoza. It is also one of the most visited countries on the continent, attracting millions of tourists every year.

However, Argentina also has some problems with crime, inflation, corruption, and political instability. Crime rates vary depending on the location and the time of day, but some common crimes include pickpocketing, mugging, scamming, and kidnapping. Inflation is high and affects the prices of goods and services. Corruption is widespread and affects the public institutions and the justice system. Political instability can frequently lead to protests, strikes, or policy changes.

Some tips to prevent crime or fraud in Argentina are:

  • Do not carry large amounts of cash or valuables with you.
  • Refrain from exchanging money on the street or using unofficial ATMs.
  • Do not accept offers from strangers or unsolicited helpers.
  • Do not fall for common scams such as the mustard trick or the fake police.
  • Be careful when using public transportation or taxis.

If you travel to Argentina, you should also check the latest travel advisories from your government or other reliable sources. You should also be aware of the COVID-19 situation and the entry requirements for travelers.

In conclusion, Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay are three unique countries that offer many opportunities for travelers to experience South America. However, they are not without risks or challenges. Travelers should do their research, plan, and use common sense when visiting these destinations. Following some simple tips and advice, travelers can stay safe and enjoy their trip to South America.




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