How to Travel Safely in Madrid and Barcelona: A Complete Guide

4 min readMay 14, 2023


Are Barcelona and Madrid safe for tourists?

Barcelona and Madrid are two of the most popular destinations in Spain, attracting millions of visitors every year. However, how safe are these cities for tourists? What are the main risks, and how can you avoid them? Here is a brief guide to help you enjoy your trip without worries.


Barcelona is a vibrant and cosmopolitan city famous for its architecture, culture, and nightlife. However, it also has a reputation for being a hotspot for petty crime, especially pickpocketing. According to the U.S. Department of State Travel Advisory, you should exercise increased caution in Barcelona and Catalonia due to civil unrest. Protests and demonstrations have occurred in the region over the political situation, which can sometimes turn violent or disruptive.

The most common crime that affects tourists in Barcelona is pickpocketing. This is done by organized gangs that operate in crowded and touristy areas, such as Las Ramblas, the Gothic Quarter, the Sagrada Familia, and the metro. They use various techniques to distract or confuse their victims, such as asking for directions, offering help, or creating a commotion. They often work in pairs or groups and target older people and women.

To avoid being pickpocketed in Barcelona, you should:

- Keep your valuables close to your body and out of sight. Use a money belt, a cross-body bag, or a backpack with zippers and locks.

- Be aware of your surroundings and watch out for suspicious people or situations. Do not let anyone approach you too closely or touch you.

- Do not leave your belongings unattended in public places like cafes, restaurants, or beaches.

- Do not hang your bag on the back of your chair or put it on the floor.

- Do not carry too much cash or expensive items with you. Use ATMs inside banks or hotels, and avoid using them at night or in isolated areas.

- Do not accept any offers of help from strangers, such as carrying your luggage, taking your photo, or giving you directions. Politely decline and walk away.

- If you are a victim of pickpocketing, report it to the nearest police station or tourist office. You will need a police report to file a claim with your insurance company.


Madrid is Spain’s capital and largest city, known for its rich history, art, and culture. It is generally considered a safe city for tourists, with a lower crime rate than Barcelona. However, it still has some areas and situations you should be careful of.

The main crime that affects tourists in Madrid is also pickpocketing. It is less frequent and organized than in Barcelona, but it still happens in busy and touristy areas, such as Puerta del Sol, Plaza Mayor, Gran Via, and the Prado Museum. It also happens on public transportation, especially the metro and buses.

To avoid being pickpocketed in Madrid, you should follow the same tips as for Barcelona. Additionally, you should:

- Be careful when using taxis. Make sure they have a license plate and a meter. Agree on the fare before getting in or ask for a receipt at the end.

- Be wary of street vendors and performers. They may try to sell you fake or stolen goods or ask for money after entertaining you.

- Be cautious of scams. Some common ones are:

  • The ring scam: Someone pretends to find a gold ring on the ground and offers it to you for a low price. The ring is worthless, and they will try to get more money from you.
  • The petition scam: Someone asks you to sign a petition for a good cause and then asks for a donation. The petition is fake, and they will keep your money.
  • The rose scam: Someone gives you a rose as a gift and then demands money. They may become aggressive if you refuse.

- If you are a victim of pickpocketing or any other crime in Madrid, report it to the nearest police station or tourist office.


Barcelona and Madrid are fantastic cities to visit in Spain, but they also have some safety issues you should be aware of. Pickpocketing is the most common crime that affects tourists in both cities, so you should take precautions to protect your valuables and yourself. You should also be careful of civil unrest in Barcelona and Catalonia and avoid any protests or demonstrations that may occur. Following these tips, you can enjoy your trip to Spain without any problems.




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